Monday, February 11, 2013

Strong and Courageous

Wooohoo! Almost four hours without the vent and Parson is holding her own! Your prayers and the pep talks seemed to have been just what the doctor ordered. The doctors have removed all of the IV sedatives & pain meds and the feisty spirit has quickly returned. Yes! Her throat is sore and her little voice is hoarse and now she is resisting the cords, treatment and IV's. I have never seen so much drool/spit in my life. This Momma is delighted to see the strong and courageous spirit return - even if it may make for a long night. All smiles my way-- no smile from Parson just yet, but it is coming.

I am also pleased to report that big sister was strong and courageous today as well. We got reports of a good day and a smiley face on the conduct report. :) BooYah! Way to go Darby! Many thanks to the fan club for kicking into high gear and making it a great day for Darby.

I gotta say.... It is absolutely amazing the support that you guys have provided to our family. Your prayers will be bringing us home soon and I am absolutely certain they have made all the difference for us today.

You are loved.

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